
Book Reviews

This category contains 2 posts

Book Review: The Risk Pool by Richard Russo

The Risk Pool by Richard Russo Memorable Quote: “This led to a discussion of whether you-know-what was better in heaven. Somewhere in the proceedings, my father, who had instigated the whole thing, lost interest. As the voices rose in mock anger and comic disagreement over what it had to feel like to get balled in … Continue reading

Book Review: Tree of Smoke by Denis Johnson

Notable Awards: 2007 National Book Award Winner for Fiction New York Times 10 Best Books of the Year Named a Best Book of the Year by Time, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, Amazon.com, Salon, Slate, The National Book Critics Circle, The Christian Science Monitor Memorable Quote: “War is ninety … Continue reading

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Reading Past My Bedtime- Book Reviews


glints of gold sparkling, shining

Chad Prevost, Ph.D.

Coach | Workshop Leader | Author | Community Builder

Price is Truth

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The Jackie Blog

Life Is Funny

Piercing through the Winds

Alas! Ephemeral; it was nothing, but a dream.

Practical Stoicism

Using the wisdom of the ancient world in the modern one

Inside Schrodinger's Box

Life of a Physics Major

Everybody Changes

thoughts, transitions, moments, life in photos

حالات مقنّعة

ما يكتب على هذه الصفحات يجب ألّا يؤخذ على محمل الجد وكل من وصل إلى هذه الصفحات، وصل عن سابق اصرار وتصميم من الكاتب بنفسه

The Wandering Id

A Blog by Jimmy Sky - featuring reviews, interviews, stories, music, poetry, politics, art, travel notes, journal scraps and pieces of Jimmy's soul,

A Hiker's Dream

The place where the sky and the earth meet

Blog Woman!!! - Life Uncategorized

Mother, Nehiyaw, Metis, & Itisahwâkan - career communicator. This is my collection of opinions, stories, and the occasional rise to, or fall from, challenge. In other words, it's my party, I can fun if I want to. Artwork by aaronpaquette.net

The Off-Season Writer

*Part time student, full time dreamer, year round amateur writer. This is a blog of stories, thoughts, rants, opinions, visions, hopes, wants, desires, and dreams.

Humans Are Weird

colourful observations

When Pencil • Met Paper

a beginning, middle, and end.

Mike is happy.



Underneath This features book, film, and music reviews, nonfiction writing, and interviews with artists and activists.